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قديم12-13-2014, 07:40 PMرقم المشاركة : 1
:: عضو فعال ::

الصورة الرمزية karimoux

علم الدولة

المستوى :

الحياة/ 107 / 1073

النشاط 1058 / 35023
المؤشر 93%

karimoux غير متواجد حالياً


افتراضيحمل اى فيديو من اى موقع مع برنامج VSO Downloader Ultimate

فيديو موقع

فيديو موقع

VSO Downloader is a multimedia Downloader to grab streaming videos and audio from thousands of websites like Youtube, Metacafe, Vimeo, Dailymotion etc. The program sits in the background and can be set to automatically download media as you surf. VSO Downloader does not depend on any browser, it automatically detects when you are watching an online video and downloads it to your hard drive. It is a simple tool that is easy to use, it automatically detects the current video and downloads it to your hard drive. The application is entirely customizable, for example, you can automatically download all the detected videos, launch several downloads simultaneously, etc. Additionally, thousands of more media sources will be covered through support for HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Files can be renamed as they are being downloaded from remote servers, and the engine ensures the highest possible speed is achieved. If a download stops, it can be resumed later. It supports VPNs and proxy servers too.

VSO Downloader has got a simple interface. Simple run the program and it will automatically keep track of any videos that you watch online. There is no need to manually add any URLs, it will automatically download the videos that you are watching to your hard disk. The program comes with an Ad Blocker and ensures that ads are not downloaded. Supports download resume and it is also compatible with HTTP, HTTPS protocols. You can configure the program to limit the number of files it downloads at a time or the number of threads to open per download. You can also filter the downloads by a minimum file size. The program will download the videos in its original format as it does not come with any converter.

فيديو موقع


فيديو موقع






فيديو موقع










المواضيع المتشابهه:

plg hn td]d, lk l,ru lu fvkhl[ VSO Downloader Ultimate 4>2>5>1

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